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Under The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Title 5 of the United States Code, section 552, any person has the right to request access to public records: criminal records, arrests & warrants, inmate records, vital records & more.

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County Arrest Warrants: Issuance and Records

Arrest warrants are issued by the court authorizing the police to arrest and detain the mentioned person(s) for the purpose of investigation. In the United States of America, warrants are issued by the courts. The police in each county are responsible for executing the county arrest warrants.

Issuance of County Arrest Warrants

County arrest warrants are issued for two main purposes. They are:

•    If a specific crime is committed in the county
•    If the person(s) mentioned in the arrest warrant has committed the crime

A county arrest warrant can be issued for a number of crimes. These include felonies like robbery, murder, rape, assault, sexual battery, possession of drugs etc and also misdemeanors such as driving under influence of alcohol or drugs or both, petty theft, traffic violations etc.

An arrest warrant may not always be immediately executed. It often happens that there is a backlog of arrest warrants to be cleared and another arrest warrant cannot be served unless the previous ones are executed. Such arrest warrants are outstanding warrants.

You may have an arrest warrant against your name for unknowingly violating the traffic rules and you may not know about it. One easy way to know whether you have an arrest warrant against your name is to perform you own arrest record search. Arrest records of all the county arrest warrants are maintained by each of the county offices. These records are considered as public records. This implies that as a resident of a county you have the legal rights to view the records and also obtain a copy if you wish to.

County Arrest Warrant Records

In order to conduct an arrest record search you have to follow a few simple steps. The official website of each county has all the arrest record information. On visiting your county website you will learn where and how you need to apply to get a copy of the arrest records and the charge that you have to pay. The contact numbers, the business hours of the offices are all mentioned here for your convenience. Moreover, all the counties allow performing an online arrest record search. You may conduct an arrest record search on any person by giving certain information such as the first name, the last name, any alias name(s), social security number etc.

If you are suspicious about any person, a search of the county arrest warrants records can help in confirming your thoughts. If they are right, the records will provide you with information like the physical description including height, weight, eye color, hair color, identification mark, etc., crime he or she was arrested for, whether he or she was convicted and the sentence that the offender had to serve. It will also inform you about the current location of the offender or let you know his or her date of release in case the offender is serving his or her sentence. Apart from this, by searching the county arrest warrant records you may also know about the “most wanted” criminals in your county and the escapees. These information help you stay alert and take the necessary precautions so that you do not fall victim to any act of crime.

For example, the arrest warrants report in Ada County is maintained by the Sheriff’s office. For a warrant search in Ada County visit the following website: If you have any questions in your mind you may call 577 3090 or 577 3091 for assistance. You may search for arrest warrants against a person by entering the first three letters of his or her name or more. The Ada County Sheriff’s office is located at 7200 Barrister Dr., Boise, ID 83704.

You may also want to search for any warrant against you so that you may appear before the court before you are arrested. This often makes a good impression on the judge. You may be able to get a verdict in you favor by proving yourself to be a law abiding individual. If you have previous arrest warrant records you may also view them to update the records or make any corrections. You may also want to seal or expunge your records. This will lead to permanent sealing or complete destruction of your records and nobody will be able to view them again. Various companies perform background check on their employees and an arrest record can prevent you from getting your desired job in such a situation. Expunging your records will make sure you are able to get good employment.

You may also use the arrest warrant search options to make sure your kid’s new nanny or babysitter or your new neighbor has no criminal records.

The arrest warrant records undoubtedly help you sort your professional life and also to make your life and that of your near and dear ones safer. But you may also help the authorities by notifying them about the whereabouts of any person the police is searching for. This will help them   in their investigation and also make your neighborhood safer. For example in Warren County, if you know the location of any person on a warrant list, you should call up the Sheriff’s office at (518) 743 2500. You may also call your local enforcement agency and keep your identity unknown to them if you wish to. To learn more a bout the warrant list in Warrant County visit

There are numerous counties in all the states of the U.S. each of them maintain their own arrest warrant records. You will have to visit the official website of you county for the county specific arrest warrant information. By viewing the warrant records, you will not only make your life safer and easier, you may also provide some service to the society by informing about some of the “most wanted” criminals in your county and enhance the safety of your family and your neighbors. All this will result in a reduction in the crime rate of the county.

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