How to Obtain and Use Information in Kentucky Divorce Records
When trying to obtain divorce records, it is better to keep in mind a few points. Almost all American states, with a few exceptions, have a central office of statistics or records where the vital statistics are maintained. It is essential for you to know that this office does not issue certified copies of divorce records. They are actually in charge of redirecting the request to the respective County Clerk’s office, because this is where the record is actually maintained.
You need to submit a request to receive the record. When you are making this request, do remember to state the purpose for which you need the record. There is also a nominal fee that you will need to pay for the record.
How to Find and Obtain Kentucky Divorce Records
There are many government agencies which still remain the main sources for your search to obtain divorce records. Fortunately, a few alternatives have emerged which might cost you a bit more, but they offer many advantages too. The commercial record providers give you an option outside of the government sources. When you approach them, you are able to save time and there are a lot less hassles too.
As per existing law, every citizen has access to a private and proprietary data network. Though the information is maintained at the county level, it is networked with the state office. So, even if you do not know which county to approach, you can still access the record by approaching the state office. When you approach the state office, your request is forwarded to the relevant county in all such cases.
Information Included in Kentucky Divorce Records
Where did divorce took place? What day was the divorce granted? All these questions are answered in the divorce records. Of course you get the confirmation about whether the person in question is actually divorced or not.
Remember that while you have the right to information, the divorced person also has the right to privacy. So, you can never get the complete information on settlement, child custody and other such issues. You will also not get a copy of the divorce decree.
Why You Should be Interested in Divorce Records
You may ask for divorce records if you are also trying to map your family tree. Divorce records play a lesser role in genealogy research when compared to marriage records, but you can still get to know quite a lot.
If the divorce happened many decades back, then there is actually a very small chance you might have any information about him/her. This is of course a major challenge for the family historian.
In all such cases, the divorce records can help immensely.
To access divorce records in the State of Kentucky, please get in touch with:
Office of Vital Statistics
275 East Main Street 1E-A
Frankfort, KY 40621
(502) 564-4212
Fax: (502) 227-0032
The fee for divorce records from June 1958 onward is $6.00.
Remember, the state and the county offices are legally bound to maintain and update the vital statistics, including divorce records. When you submit a request, they are also legally bound to share the information with you.
So go ahead and apply for your copy of a divorce record. Send it by mail, make a phone call or fax it. You can also walk in with the request and approach the private websites.