Virginia Background Check Details
A background check is commonly used by companies as a means of screening to evaluate the job applicants' past records - especially those applicants who apply for high security positions in government departments as well as other places of importance. A background check is administered by federal agencies and has its own significance, especially in cases involving the welfare of the public.
There are various types of checks that are conducted by the companies in the process of hiring. There are a number of commercial sites that cater to the needs of the employers and this investigative report is available for a fee. Mainly, the background checks are aimed at reviewing driving records, criminal records and educational qualifications.
However, some companies may not be satisfied with these reports, so they include reports which include credential verification, reference checks, sex offender registry searches, skill assessment and credit reports.
Types of Searches in Background Check
There are various types of searches that are included in the background check of an individual and these are done under the supervision of the FBI and local law enforcement agencies. A criminal record check is most common and typically used by all companies.
The Virginia State Police is the division of the state government which undertakes this procedure and you can get all the details about the process from their official website at .
The law of Virginia states that there are two ways of obtaining a criminal record; this is mentioned in details of subsection 19.2-389 of the Virginia code of law.
You can obtain the required criminal record check with the help of two forms that are available from the Virginia State Police Department. The first is the criminal history record check SP-167 and the second is the criminal history record check SP-230.
If you want to obtain criminal record reports, then you must submit a signed and a notarized form SP-167 which is a “Criminal Record Name Search” form. The form instructions are given in the document itself. This form can be downloaded or printed from the Virginia State Police website’s forms section at Parties who can submit this form include private sector companies, individuals and general public.
The SP-230 form is also governed by Code of Virginia, Section 19.2-389. Individuals or entities who apply for a criminal record check through the SP-230 form may receive a criminal record history. This is different from the previous form SP-167, as notarization is not required.
Any company wishing to submit a criminal record search can do so by filling out the SP-230 form and paying a fee of $15.00. This information and fee should be sent to the Department of State Police at P.O. Box 85076, Richmond, VA 23261-5076.
After submission of the form with the specified fee you need to wait at least 12-14 working days for processing of the request.
Other Agencies that Provide Records for Background Checks
The Department of State Police has specified the agencies that are entitled to receive these records. The names of a few of these agencies are given below:
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, Public School Boards, State Corporation Commission and Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department, among others.